Historisches Seminar
Abteilung Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1
D 80539 München
Olena Korzun holds a PhD in history and specialises in the history of agricultural science. Her research focuses on the history of knowledge generation in scientific communities, its organisational development and the social aspects of epistemology in modern agricultural sciences. She is a lecturer at the National Scientific Agricultural Library of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Ukraine in Kyiv. Her current research deals with the history of co-operation between German and Ukrainian scientists in the field of agricultural research in the 19th and 20th centuries. This project is funded by a grant from the Сarl Friedrich von Siemens Foundation.
Website National Academy of Agrarian Science of Ukraine (Kyiv)
- Silʹsʹkohospodarsʹka doslidna sprava v Ukrayini v roky Druhoyi svitovoyi viyny (Agricultural experimentation in Ukraine during the Second World War). Kyiv: Agrarna nauka, 2019, 456. URL:
- Stanovlennya ta rozvytok silʹsʹkohospodarsʹkoyi doslidnoyi spravy na Podilli (kinetsʹ XIX - pochatok XX st.) (Formation and development of agricultural experimentation in Podolia (late XIX - early XX century.)) Kyiv: Agrarna nauka, 2011, 284.
- Silʹsʹke hospodarstvo URSR ta yoho naukove zabezpechennya u 1940–1946 rokakh : zbirnyk dokumentiv ta materialiv. (The Agriculture of the USSR and its scientific support in 1940-1946. A collection of documents and materials). Kyiv:, Agrarna nauka, 2012 - zusammen mit V. Verhunov und anderes. [in Ukrainian].
- Naukovo-orhanizatsiyne zabezpechennya rozvytku silʹsʹkohospodarsʹkoyi haluzi v USRR (1920-1930) u 2 chastynach : zbirnyk dokumentiv ta materialiv [Scientific and organizational support of agricultural industry development in the USSR (1920-1930) in two parts: Сollection of documents and materials] Kyiv: Agrarna nauka, 2020-2021 - zusammen mit V. Verhunov und anderes [in Ukrainian].
Selected articles
- Krayeznavstvo y ahrarna nauka: dystsyplinarno-funktsionalʹna vzayemodiya ta spilʹni doslidnytsʹki stratehiyi (na prykladi praktyk Skhidnoho Podillya druhoyi polovyny XIX – 20-h rr. XX st.) (Local history and agricultural science: disciplinary-functional interaction and joint research strategies (on the example of Eastern Podillia practices of the second half of the 19th - 20s of the 20th century), in: Istoriya nauky i biohrafistyka. 2023. 3. - Researching – Surviving: Agricultural experimentation in Ukraine under German occupation during the Second World War., in: Close Encounters in War Journal. Thematic Issue: “Science, Technology and the Close Encounters. in War” 2022. 5. 53-78. korzun-researching-e28093-surviving.-agricultural-experimentation-in-ukraine-under-german-occupation-during-the-second-world-war.pdf (
- Yaroslav (Pavlo) Nyemets: pomoloh ta osvityanyn — zabuti storinky chesʹko-ukrayinsʹkoyi istoriyi (do 180-richchya vid dnya narodzhennya). (Yaroslav (Pavlo) Nemets: pomologist and educator — forgotten pages of Czech-Ukrainian history (to the 180th anniversary of his birth), in: Visnyk ahrarnoyi istoriyi. 2022. 10. 78-85. - zusammen mit D. Korzun, V. Vergunov)
- German and Ukrainian Scientific Cooperation During the Second World War Based On the Memoirs Of Professor Heinrich Walter, German Botanist (1898-1989) , in: Holocaust Studies: A Ukrainian Focus. 2020. 11. 119-139.
- Krayovyy instytut silʹsʹkohospodarsʹkoyi botaniky (1941-1943 rr.) : stanovlennya, diyalʹnistʹ, vcheni. (Provincial Institute of Agricultural Botany (1941-1943): establishment, activities and scientists) , in: Chasopys ukrayinsʹkoyi istoriyi. 2020. 41. 82-91.–4611.2020.41.11
- Peculiarities of State Regulation of Scientific Researches in the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic During the Period of Reconstruction (1943–1945) , in:. Modern problems of history of science and biographical study. Lviv-Toruń : Liha-Pres, 2019. 65-91.
- Orhanizatsiya silʹsʹkohospodarsʹkoyi doslidnoyi spravy na terytoriyi Raykhskomisariatu «Ukrayina». (Organization of Agricultural Research work on the Territory of the Reichskommissariat “Ukraine”) , in:. Chasopys ukrayinsʹkoyi istoriyi. 2019. 40. 112–120.–4611.2019.40.14 - Diyalʹnistʹ Naukovo-doslidnoho Tsentru Pivdnya Ukrayiny yak koordynatora silʹsʹkohospodarsʹkoyi doslidnoyi spravy pivdenno-ukrayinsʹkykh zemelʹ v roky nimetsʹkoyi okupatsiyi 1941–1944 rr. (Activities of the Scientific Research Centre of South of Ukraine established by the German occupation authority as a coordinator of the agricultural scientific institutions (1941-1944)] , in:. Istoriya nauky i biohrafistyka. 2019. 2.
- Orhanizatsiya hidrobiolohichnoyi naukovo-doslidnoyi roboty na terytoriyi reykhskomisariatu «Ukrayina» v period nimetsʹkoyi okupatsiyi (1941–1943 rr.). (Organization of hydrobiological research Work in the Reichskomissariat “Ukraine” during the German occupation (1941-1943) , in: Hileya. 2019. 151 (12). CH. 1. Istorychni nauky. 58–63.
- Ukrayinsʹkyy naukovo-doslidnyy instytut zemlerobstva pid chas nimetsʹkoyi okupatsiyi v roky Druhoyi svitovoyi viyny. (Ukrainian Research Institute of Agriculture during the German occupation during the Second World War) , in: Hileya. 2019. 143 (4). CH. 1. Istorychni nauky. 43–48.
- Vyvchennya nimetsʹkymy vchenymy silʹsʹkohospodarsʹkoho potentsialu ukrayinsʹkykh zemelʹ v roky Druhoyi svitovoyi viyny. (Study by German Sciences of Agricultural Potential of Ukrainian Lands during the Second World War) in: Hileya. 2019. 141 (2). CH. 1. Istorychni nauky. 75–80.
URL: - Polityka Nimechchyny chasiv Tretʹoho Reykhu shchodo vyvchennya silʹsʹkohospodarsʹkoho potentsialu ukrayinsʹkykh zemelʹ. (The German policy of the Third Reich to study the agricultural potential of Ukrainian lands) , in: Virtus: scientific Journal. 2019. 31 (February). 213–218.
- Sotrudnychestvo selʹskokhozyaystvennykh nauchno-yssledovatelʹskykh uchrezhdenyy USSR y RSFSR v évakuatsyy v peryod Velykoy Otechestvennoy voyny. (Cooperation between agricultural research institutions in the USSR and the RSFSR during the evacuation period of the Great Patriotic War.) , in: Rossyysko-ukraynskye svyazy v ystoryy estestvoznanyya y tekhnyky. 2014. 2. 256–265. - Osoblyvosti evakuatsiyi silʹsʹkohospodarsʹkykh naukovo-doslidnykh ustanov ta yikh diyalʹnistʹ v roky Druhoyi svitovoyi viyny. (The specifics of the evacuation of agricultural research institutions and their activities during the Second World War.), in: Chasopys ukrayinsʹkoyi istoriyi. 2014. 30. 144–150.
- Vnesok polyakiv u stanovlennya ta rozvytok silʹsʹkohospodarsʹkoyi doslidnoyi spravy Podillya (kinetsʹ XIX – pochatok XX st.). (The contribution of Poles to the establishment and development of agricultural experimentation in Podolia (late 19th - early 20th century), in: Istoriya nauky i biohrafistyka. 2011. 2.
- Diyalʹnistʹ zemstv po stanovlennyu ta rozvytku silʹsʹkohospodarsʹkoyi doslidnoyi spravy u Podilʹsʹkiy huberniyi u kintsi XIX – pochatku XX st. (Activities of zemstvos on the establishment and development of agricultural experimentation in Podolsk province in the late XIX - early XX centuries.) , in: Istoriya nauky i biohrafistyka. 2009. 2.
- Plotyansʹka silʹsʹkohospodarsʹka stantsiya knyazya P.P. Trubetsʹkoho: z istoriyi stvorennya ta diyalʹnosti. (Prince P.P. Trubetskoy's agricultural station in Ploty: On the history of its creation and activities), in: Istoriya nauky i biohrafistyka. 2008. 4.