Maternity leave till 30.09.2025
Postal Address:
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Historisches Seminar
Edmund-Rumpler-Str. 9
80939 München
Visitors' address:
Historisches Seminar
Edmund-Rumpler-Str. 13
80939 München
Postal Address:
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Historisches Seminar
Edmund-Rumpler-Str. 9
80939 München
Visitors' address:
Historisches Seminar
Edmund-Rumpler-Str. 13
80939 München
Curriculum vitae
- 2014-2018: B.A. in Russian Studies at the Lomonosov Moscow State University
- 2018-2020: M.A. in Eastern European Studies (History) at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
- February-June 2022: research for the German Emigration Museum Deutsches Auswandererhaus Bremerhaven on Eastern Jewish Migrants in Germany in the 1910s-1920s
- January 2021-August 2022: Coordinator of the German-Ukrainian Historians’ Commission
- Since September 2022: Coordinator of the Centre for Advanced Studies "Universalism and Particularism in European Contemporary History"
Awards and scholarships
- Scholarship of the Scholarly Council at the Lomonosov Moscow State University (July 2017 – January 2018)
- Scholarship of the Government of the Russian Federation (September 2016 – August 2017)
- Award of the President of the Russian Federation for Talented Youth (twice, in 2013 and 2014)
- Lena Ecknigk. „The Image of the Germans as Germany’s Titular Nation from the Viewpoint of the Sorbs in the Second Half of the 19th – the First Half of the 20th Century (based on Jurij Brezan’s Novels)”. In: Moscow University Young Researchers’ Journal 8/2019. URL:образ-немцев-как-титульной-нации-герм/ (accessed 20.12.2021, in Russ.) - Lena Ecknigk. „Der Kulturdialog zwischen deutschen Kolonisten und Einheimischen in Russland unter Katharina II. (anhand des Buches des Kolonisten Christian Gottlob Züge)“. Speech summary for the digital anthology of the panel „Literature of Russian Germans” at the 3rd cultural-historical conference „Digitalization of the cultural and historical heritage of Russian Germans“ in Bayreuth 2018. pp. 103-109. URL: - Lena Ecknigk. “The Impact of the Ideas of the Enlightenment on the German Perception of the Russian People under Catherine the Great”. In: Moscow University Young Researchers’ Journal 7/2018. URL:влияние-идей-просвещения-на-представ/ (accessed 20.12.2021, in Russ.)
- Lena Ecknigk. „Glücksbringer in Deutschland und Russland“. In: Theorie und Praxis der Germanisten: Stand und Perspektiven. Conference anthology of the Allrussian Academy of Foreign Trade 67/2018. Moscow.
- Lena Ecknigk. „Germany and the Germans in ‘Germany. A Winter’s Tale’ by H. Heine“. In: Moscow University Young Researchers’ Journal 6/2017. URL:германия-и-немцы-в-книге-г-гейне/ (accessed 20.12.2021, in Russ.)
- Lena Ecknigk. “Stanovlenie dinastii Romanovych glazami inostrancev“. In: Vestnik Moskovskogo Universtiteta. Seria 19. Lingvistika i mežkul’turnaja kommunikacija 2/2017. Moscow. pp. 177-183. (in Russ.)
- Lena Ecknigk. „Foreigners’ Perception of the Formation of the New Dynasty in Russia”. In: Moscow University Young Researchers’ Journal 5/2016. URL:становление-новой-династии-в-россии/ (accessed 20.12.2021, in Russ.)